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Welcome to Aspect Recruitment Agency!
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Welcome to Aspect Recruitment Agency! Aspect Recruitment Agency offers quality services for recruiting personnel of different professional levels from senior managers to line managers and standard specialists.

Welcome to Aspect Recruitment Agency!

Staff is one of the most important parts of any business. Recruitment of qualified staff is a very difficult task in active and constantly changing labor market.
Aspect Recruitment Agency offers quality services for recruiting personnel of different professional levels from senior managers to line managers and standard specialists.
Our distinctive features are high efficiency and innovative practices, professionalism of our consultants, flexible pricing policy, and willingness to compromise.
Aspect Recruitment Agency is guided by branch features, corporate culture, strategic objectives and specific requirements of each client.
Our clients are Russian and foreign companies, large structures and small enterprises. Many of them work with us on a permanent basis.
Aspect Recruitment Agency is focused on the successful development of its clients by engaging skilled specialists, long-term relations and partnerships.

Our Services and Cooperation Scheme

Aspect Recruitment Agency is known for: efficiency and quality of services; promptness of order execution; flexible pricing policy; focus on long-term cooperation. We value our clients and act based on their interests.

Our Services

  • Selection of line managers and specialists for standard positions (Staff Selection)
  • Selection of middle ranking managers and specialists (Management Selection)
  • Direct targeted search for top managers and unique specialists (Executive Search)
  • Information and analytical study of the labor and wage market

Cost of our Services related to Search and Recruitment of Staff

  • Selection of line managers and specialists for standard positions from 10% to 12%.
  • Selection of middle ranking managers and specialists from 12% to 15%.
  • Direct search for top managers and unique specialists from 20%.

The cost of services is calculated on the basis of annual income of a specialist, and depends on order complexity, urgency and warranty period. We prepare an exclusive commercial offer for each client.

Payment Procedure

We work without advance payment. Payment is made within 3 - 5 banking days after a specialist starts working. The amount of payment includes VAT (18%). Aspect Recruitment Agency offers discount system to regular clients.
The cooperation between Aspect Recruitment Agency and a client is established by a contract for recruiting services which sets forth obligations of the parties, warranties, and cost of services.

Timing of Orders

Time for recruiting is negotiated with a client, and usually is:

  • Selection of line managers and specialists for standard positions: from 3 days.
  • Selection of middle ranking managers and specialists: from 2 weeks.
  • Direct search for top managers and unique specialists: not less than 6 weeks.


We guarantee that we replace selected specialists free of charge:

  • line managers and specialists for standard positions: 2-3 months.
  • middle ranking managers and specialists: 3-4 months.
  • top managers and unique specialists: 6-12 months.

In case of termination of cooperation with the accepted specialist during the warranty period, we will provide up to two appropriate replacements free of charge. In fulfillment of our warranty obligations, we can pick staff to fill another current vacancy for the equal amount, if at the time of occurrence of replacement, the client's company does not need "replacement".

Cooperation Scheme in Recruiting

The main purpose of our work is high-quality recruiting of a proper specialist, thus saving your time. We offer the scheme of cooperation which we consider as the most effective.

To get started recruiting, you need to report about an open vacancy. In order to do this, you can:

  • Call the Client Relations Department by phone: + 7 (495) 545-2172 and get detailed information about the conditions of cooperation.
  • Fill out the online request for recruitment, and our managers will contact you shortly.
  • Send an e-mail in any form at: request@jobaspect.ru.

Upon receipt of an application for recruitment, our consultant will contact you or your company's HR Department to agree upon time and place of meeting to discuss the conditions of the future cooperation, i.e.:

  • Detailed description of an order and requirements to a candidate.
  • Agreement upon cost of services, payment procedure, timing of an order, warranties.
  • Signing a contract.

Stages of Order Fulfillment

  • Collection of analytical information on the labor market.
  • Study of corporate culture of a client.
  • Drafting "Portrait of a perfect candidate".
  • Search and selection of candidates.
  • Conducting interviews with candidates at the office of Aspect Recruitment Agency.
  • If required: proficiency testing, collection of recommendations from previous places of employment, conducting psychological testing.
  • Providing CVs of the most suitable candidates with comments.
  • Discussing CVs of candidates with a client.
  • Organization of interviews with selected candidates in a client's company.
  • Selection of the final candidate by a client.
  • Coordination of the procedure of work commencement by the final candidate.
  • Regular contacts with a client and a candidate during the warranty period.
  • Follow-up counseling of a client on selection, adaptation and evaluation of personnel, conditions of the labor market in its sector.

Resources used

  • Our own (over 800, 000) daily updated CV base.
  • Leading specialist Web-sites; mass media.
  • Sector-related business fairs.
  • Interaction with universities, training centers.
  • Direct professional relations and contacts.

Advanced technology, professional experience, and individual approach to each order allow us to successfully solve any HR problem!

Specialization by Sectors

  • wholesale / retail sale / purchases
  • advertising / marketing / PR
  • accounting / finance
  • law
  • construction / architecture / design
  • logistics / transport / FEA
  • B2B
  • equipment / electrical technology / tools
  • metal / metalwork

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Товары и услуги других компаний:

Подбор персонала
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Информация о продавце
  • +7 (495) 545-21-72
  • 109316, г. Москва, Волгоградский проспект, дом 26, строение 1
  • www.jobaspect.ru/
Кадровое агентство «Аспект» успешно работает на рынке кадровых услуг с января 2008 г. Предоставляет квалифицированные услуги по подбору персонала различного уровня.